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Monday, December 7, 2020

12/7 - ET

Networking Break and Exhibits

12/7 - ET

Lunch, Networking Break and Exhibits

12/7 - ET

Networking Break and Exhibits

Monday, December 14, 2020

12/14 - ET

CII2001. Welcome & Introductions followed by Government Update - An Economic and Financial Update on the Cayman Islands

The Hon. Roy McTaggart

- Minister for Finance & Economic Development | Cayman Islands Government

The Honourable Minister for Finance and Economic Development will present an update on the current state of the economy of the Cayman Islands and the Government's finances.

12/14 - ET

Networking Break and Exhibits

12/14 - ET

CII2002. Professional Update - AICPA

Tracey Golden

- Chairman | AICPA

12/14 - ET

Change Break

12/14 - ET

CII2003. How to Market Post-COVID

Sarah Dobek

- President and Founder | Inovautus Consulting

Wondering how you can grow your business this year? Don't have a dedicated marketing person? Struggling to make marketing work for your firm? Marketing and growing your business requires thoughtful activity to produce results. Many firms are wondering how to market amid COVID-19 and how to produce results. We will explore the most effective approaches for marketing and business development right now, tools you can use, and general best practices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the most effective marketing and business development approaches
  • Understand what channels you should be using
  • Share tools and resources, you can use

12/14 - ET

CII2004. Attracting, Retaining and Managing Talent in a Virtual World

Chris Bailey

- Director | PwC

Chris uses some real world stories to demonstrate how benefits are being redefined in order to achieve increased engagement from employees and will also take you through an exercise you can use with your team to help them understand why they might not be the top performer they think they are. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Using Benefits to improve engagement
  • Demonstration of a tool all managers can use to help employees understand what it really means to be a top performer

12/14 - ET

Lunch, Networking Break and Exhibits

12/14 - ET

CII2005. Cybersecurity Governance & Risk Management

Steven Ursillo

- Cherry Bekaert

As new Cyber Security threats continue to emerge, the ongoing challenges around proper risk mitigation remain a dynamic obstacle for organizational leadership. Organizational success is driven by its leaders and the culture they promote. This session will discuss continued and emerging governance expectations from leadership and the techniques used to focus risk management strategies. Topics will include InfoSec governance, current cyber security threats/risks/mitigation, cloud/vendor risk management, incident response and cyber liability insurance. The session will also include strategies for applying Trust Service Principles and Criteria and other regulatory requirements into the security governance and risk management process.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the current cybersecurity threat landscape
  • Analyze the ongoing challenges for mitigating cybersecurity risks
  • Identify strategies for the protection of digital information, including confidential data
  • Understand the importance of cybersecurity governance and relevant maturity expectations within your organization

12/14 - ET

CII2006. Self-Care and Mindfulness: Core Leadership Competencies

Melisa Galasso

- CEO | Galasso Learning Solutions

Stress is not new to the CPA profession. However, COVID and other environmental factors have furthered the impact that stress is having on our lives. This course will look at the impact of stress and ways CPAs can leverage best practices in meditation and self-care to reduce stress and reach optimum levels of personal health. Attendees will leave with an action plan to implement self-care in their day to day activities. Like they say on airplanes, it is important to first put our own oxygen mask on before helping others. We'll learn to apply these techniques to create a healthy culture with leaders who truly lead by example and encourage others to take care of themselves so they can be their best selves in the office.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the physical and mental impact of stress
  • Describe how meditation and self care can be used as tools to improve wellbeing
  • Create a personal action plan to implement self care

12/14 - ET

Change Break

12/14 - ET

CII2007. How to Say Anything to Anyone: Setting Expectations for Powerful Working Relationships

Shari Harley

- President and Founder | Candid Culture, Inc.

You have a request for one of your co-workers but don’t know how to say it, so you don’t say anything. A project you worked on for six months has become a black hole. There is no information about the status. You’re frustrated, but you don’t say anything. Two employees aren’t working well together. It’s impacting the atmosphere on the team. You don’t know what to say, so you don’t say anything. Speaking up when we are frustrated is hard and, as a result, most of us don’t. Instead, either we tell other people (aka gossip) or we say nothing, and relationships become strained. You can say anything to anyone and have it be easy. You just need to lay the ground work to do so, and most of us don’t.

Learning Objectives:

  • Tell others what you need, making it more likely that your needs are met.
  • Find out what the people you work with need from you, so you don’t have to guess.
  • Build trust in all of your business relationships, making it easier to say hard things.

12/14 - ET

Networking Break and Exhibits

12/14 - ET

CII2008. Multiply Your Value with Strategic Thinking Skills

Jonathan Lokhorst

- Executive Leadership Coach | Lokhorst Consulting LLC

You must develop strategic thinking skills to effectively navigate change and deliver exceptional value to your organization, clients, and constituents. Learn the essence of strategic thinking, how it differs from strategic planning, and how to integrate it with traditional planning activities. Explore different approaches and methods to proactively build strategic thinking into your daily routine as a leader.

Learning Objectives:

  • Integrate strategic thinking with traditional strategic planning.
  • Develop and apply strategic thinking skills.
  • Create a disciplined approach to build strategic thinking into your routines as a leader.

12/14 - ET

CII2009. Economic impact post US elections

Joe Brusuelas

- Chief Economist | RSM LLP

12/14 - ET

Change Break

12/14 - ET

CII2010. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panel: Where are We? Where Do We Want to Go?

Darnell Osborne

- Chief Executive Officer | Citadel Consultants

Sheree Ebanks

- Chief Executive Officer | Cayman Islands Institute of Professional Accountants

Asif Sadiq MBE

- Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion | Adidas

Crystal Cooke

- Director - Diversity & Inclusion | Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Jennifer Skinner

- Director | Deloitte

12/14 - ET

Virtual Happy Hour - Sea 'N B

Join us as we welcome, Sea 'N B, a Cayman Island based band providing just the right island flavor to almost everything  The music they create together is always tropical and fun but with an edge of pop and rock and roll.