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Monday, January 25, 2021

1/25 - ET

Welcome & Introductions

1/25 - ET

PFPS2101. Creating and Sustaining Culture in Your Firm

Cheryl Holland

- President | Abacus Planning Group, Inc.

Michael Goodman

- President | Wealthstream Advisors, Inc.

Join Michael Goodman and Cheryl Holland for a conversation on creating and sustaining your firm’s cultural norms to enhance growth, attract talent and simplify leading your organization. Michael and Cheryl will share their successes and failures in creating a firm culture, the necessary ingredients for sustaining culture and why culture matters now more than ever.

1/25 - ET

Networking Roundtables (non-CPE)

1/25 - ET

Break & Visit Sponsors

1/25 - ET

PFPS2102. Philanthropy

Sue Stevens

- Wealth Advisor | Buckingham Strategic Wealth

The world and your clients need you right now. The global pandemic has shown a light on how we need to pull together to make the world better and lift up others. Let me share how to lead clients to think more deeply about giving, how to summarize their intentions and understand the vehicles they might use to impact the lives of others and, in doing so, change their own life.

1/25 - ET

PFPS2103. Lessons from Guiding Blind Athletes

Caroline Gaynor

- Regional Director | Dimensional Fund Advisors

In her TED-Talk style presentation, Caroline Gaynor discusses her experience as a guide for blind triathletes and draws parallels between the guide/athlete relationship and the relationship between financial advisors and their clients. Advisors help clients achieve their goals by acting as a trusted voice through stressful life changes and unexpected market turmoil, just as guides keep their athletes focused on the finish line in every race.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to communicate effectively with clients.
  • Learn how to communicate the importance of staying invested in the market.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

1/26 - ET

Visit Sponsors

1/26 - ET

Trivia Networking Session

Got knowledge? Put it to use in this friendly trivia competition. Interact with your randomly selected team to have the ultimate trivia experience; just like you'd play in a pub...but virtual!

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1/26 - ET

PFPS2104. Supporting your clients to pursue their changing life priorities

Lyle Benson

- Founder and President | L. K. Benson & Company

Jean-Luc Bourdon

- Wealth Advisor | Lucent Wealth Planning, LLC

Andrea Millar

- Personal Financial Planning Division | AICPA

The pandemic has triggered much life reflection and reorganization. Financial advisors know that their clients are facing changes and challenges. How do you help clients better align their financial solutions with their evolving life vision? In this session, you will learn:

  • The importance of helping clients prioritize what is most important
  • What your clients may be experiencing as they consider their priorities
  • Methods for helping your clients open to their life’s possibilities
  • How to assess where you are on the continuum of life planning services
  • The resources that will support you regardless of where you go on the continuum

1/26 - ET

Networking Roundtables (non-CPE)

1/26 - ET

Break & Visit Sponsors

1/26 - ET

PFPS2105. Antifragile Leadership in an Age of Disruption

Eric Bean

- High Performance Coach | Get A Strong Mind

Leadership is challenging, exciting, stressful, fulfilling, and, at times, exhausting. Like any year, leaders experienced a range of emotions in 2020 but with the additional realities of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the positive experiences of leading were muted while the negative experiences were amplified. In his work with elite athletes, executives, and high performers across industries Dr. Bean has observed that people either crumble under stress, bounce back, or become stronger. In this presentation, Dr. Bean will discuss how to be an antifragile leader by examining the importance of self-awareness in managing stress, identifying restoration strategies suitable for your leadership style, and exploring how to lead others through periods of high stress.

Learning Objectives:

  • Generate awareness of personal leadership style
  • Learn the formula for identifying self-care strategies suitable for your leadership style
  • Learn how to influence productive responses to stress in others