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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

CFO2202. How Great Leaders Magnify the Power of Teams

In the increasing competition for talent, market leading organizations are those that best leverage the unique skills and talents of their employees. At the center of the organization, financial leaders are uniquely positioned to drive transformational change in their organization by focusing on talent.

This session provides a framework for how finance professionals can facilitate the process necessary to scout and identify talent throughout their organization, develop those employees, amplify what’s important for their career fulfillment, and empower them to improve team and corporate performance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize traits, motives, and styles of leaders, followers, and amplifiers and why this is important to understand as an executive
  • Discern the difference between leaders, followers, and amplifiers and how to apply these definitions in their organization
  • Identify how amplifiers can work across functions, industries, and organizations to deliver outsized returns for their business
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personnel/Human Resources
1-2 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation