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CFO2223. Fraud in the C-Suite

Simple embezzlement is one thing, and we have processes to detect it and defend against it, but what happens when an executive pressures you to "make the numbers look better"? What should your next step be? Perhaps more importantly, how can you proactively prepare yourself to resist the temptation to either "help" the company or reap some benefits personally from financial statement misrepresentation? You've heard from major perpetrators of frauds. Now, hear from a fellow CPA and CFO who blew the whistle on a $20 million dollar fraud.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine what to do when asked to engage in inappropriate financial statement behavior as CFO
  • Identify how to prepare yourself now to respond to the temptation to commit fraud in the future
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Behavioral Ethics
3-5 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation