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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

CFO22SS04. Top 5 Ways to Accelerate Digitalization in the Finance Function, Sponsored by Trintech

CFOs today play a critical role in their organization as strategic advisors in addition to overseeing the numbers — these leaders need to be data-driven and embrace strategies and technology that allow for greater visibility across the organization and produce faster data for better decision making. To keep up with these new expectations to provide relevant data and insights in a timely manner, CFOs need to keep on top of relevant trends and prioritize digital transformation projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize current challenges facing the Office of the CFO
  • Identify the top 5 opportunities for CFOs to accelerate digitalization across the finance function
  • Determine next steps your organization should take
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Information Technology
3-5 Years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation