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Concurrent Session (Onsite and Online)

CFO2314. M&A Integrations: Successful Planning and Execution

Most acquisitions fail to achieve their potential economic value because of ineffective and unsustainable integrations. No M&A integration can succeed without addressing foundational systems and processes. Key areas of discussion in this session that will enable to improve M&A integrations include the following:

· Timing of the integration planning and execution

· Consideration of similarities and differences between the organization and business being acquired to identify areas or capabilities which may not be integrated

· Communication and execution, including financial reporting post-closing

Although one size does not fit all situations, leaving a business as a stand-alone is not an integration.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify & understand the importance of planning for a successful acquisition and integration
  • Analyze areas and issues that may arise if not initially addressed
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
3-5 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation