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General Session (Onsite and Online)

CFO2419. Future of Finance 2.0: 21st Century Challenges and Essential Skills

The finance function of the 21st Century will be focused on value creation, driving decision making towards the efficient and effective allocation of resources, and transforming business models for long-term business success.

One of the essential findings of the AICPA & CIMA Future of Finance 2.0 global research is that this emerging role will involve a wide range of new skills, including leadership in digital transformation, data and analytics, including AI, and ESG. This evolution involves a commitment to continuous learning, being proactive, and partnering with all key areas of the business to identify ways to leverage the contemporary value drivers for the organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the skills and talents of the finance function needed in today’s workforce, including the transformational style of leadership that will be necessary to lead your organization into the future
  • Determine best practices for performance management and adopting agile approaches to business transformation in a workplace that continues to evolve in a multi-generational and hybrid ecosystem
  • Choose a strategy for building necessary relationships and better understanding evolving business needs
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Management Services
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation