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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

COR2437. Blueprint for Retention: Innovative Compensation Strategies

In the competitive construction industry, retaining top talent is crucial for sustained success. This session will equip construction company leaders and advisors with the knowledge and tools to develop compensation strategies that enhance retention of key employees. Participants will explore the advantages and disadvantages of compensation alternatives, including restricted stock, stock options, profits interests in a partnership, and non-qualified deferred compensation, from both business and tax perspectives. Additionally, the session will cover how these compensation strategies can be integrated into broader ownership succession planning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify tax-efficient compensation strategies for retaining top talent.
  • Evaluate alternative compensation strategies.
  • Apply equity-based compensation concepts to ownership succession planning.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags
Accounting and Auditing - Construction
Tax - Construction
Industry - Construction