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Concurrent Session (Onsite and Online)

CU22SS01. Cyber Risk and Regulatory Compliance 101 for Non-Security Financial and Accounting Business Leader, presented by Deloitte

As organizations strive to increase revenue and grow their business to reach a new generation of customers, there are evolving business enablement projects underway to transform the digital customer experience, modernize core IT systems, and accelerate cloud adoption to compete more effectively in the market, all while driving efficiencies and managing costs. At the same time, there are several business challenges to be addressed, such as financial regulatory compliance requirements, M&A activity, operating increasingly complex IT ecosystems with distributed operations, managing remote workforces, and third-party supply chain risks. These dynamics have created a growing need to deploy cybersecurity and risk management programs that address the evolving threat landscape, associated business risks, and the growing cyber regulatory landscape.

Is your organization addressing these matters? Are you effectively preparing for the proposed SEC Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure Proposed Ruling? Is your organization concerned about the increasing cost and the business impact of a data breach?

During this session, we will provide an overview of the cyber threat landscape and latest tech trends, industry-wide and financial/accounting challenges and drivers affected by those trends, some specific business outcomes that an effective cyber security program can enable, and the evolving cyber regulatory environment and what it means for your business and your role as a non-security leader.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine the cyber threat landscape and latest tech trends, industry-wide and financial/accounting challenges, and drivers affected by those trends
  • Determine the key business outcomes that an effective cyber security program can enable
  • Recognize the evolving cyber regulatory environment and what it means for your business and your role as a non-security leader
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Information Technology
1-2 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation