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EBP2213. Discover What's New at the Office of the Chief Accountant

Do you wonder what’s going on at EBSA's Office of the Chief Accountant? Participants will learn:     * Updates on the current Audit Quality Study     * The current focus of OCA’s audit quality inspection programs and what distinguishes work that is considered to be best practice     * What pitfalls most often plague benefit plan audits and result in rejection of Form 5500 filings     * Reporting compliance updates and how to avoid problems

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify updates on the current Audit Quality Study
  • Identify the current focus of OCA’s audit quality inspection programs and what distinguishes work that is considered to be best practice
  • Distinguish what pitfalls most often plague benefit plan audits and result in rejection of Form 5500 filings
  • Identify reporting compliance updates and how to avoid problems
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
1-2 Years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation
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