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EBP2363. Putting the Employee in ESG

ESG initiatives have dramatically increased in recent years and what was once viewed as a nicety, is now essential at the company, board, management, and stakeholder level of most companies. This session will explore how companies are rapidly moving to address ESG initiatives in their compensation programs and will include tangible examples from the real world. Additionally, we’ll consider ESG issues within retirement plans and consider the latest guidance and trends.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize best practices on tying executive compensation to the success of ESG efforts.
  • Analyze high-level why and how to perform regular gender, racial, and internal pay equity analyses.
  • Identify impacts from regulatory advances and court cases on retirement plans’ use of ESG.
  • Determine the various tools stake-holders can use in evaluating ESG implementation within investments.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags
Plan Sponsor