Area of Focus Sessions
EDG2503. First Year Partner: Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving
The first year as a Partner is often the toughest transition of an entire career. Why? You’ve finally earned a place at the leadership table, but do you really know what you’re doing? You want to look like you have it all together on the outside, when in reality, you're struggling on the inside...struggling to shift your thinking from employee to owner, from manager to leader, from complainer to change maker...all while struggling to find time for yourself amidst the ever-growing list of responsibilities and priorities as a new business owner.
When you become a Partner, the whole game changes. So, how can you not just survive this challenging first year, but actually thrive?
Intend2Lead has worked with and supported thousands of new partners. Based on our experiences, we’ll share insights into how you can consciously prepare for and support yourself through the first year of partnership, including:
• The real-life struggles of being a new partner
• Tools to be a more conscious, evolved leader
• Strategies to support yourself during this transitional period
This session is ideal for those interested in becoming a Partner at their firm, those who have recently become a Partner at their firm, and firm leaders who want to better support their next generation of leaders through this challenging transition.
Learning Objectives:
- List 3 common challenges experienced by first year Partners
- List 3 strategies that can be utilized to better support new Partners through this challenging transition
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personal Development
Advanced – (5+ years in the profession)
4-5+ years in the profession
Advanced Preparation