EST2401. The Intersection of Divorce & Estate Planning: The Top Tax/Planning Tips & Traps You Need to Know
Whether advising clients before, during or after marriage, professional advisors should be aware of important tools, techniques and other considerations in order to advantageously position their clients in the event of divorce. With the increasing overlap among professional disciplines, advisors have much to gain from having cross-disciplinary fluency. Topics include: * Powerful new tax considerations; * A hidden asset in prenuptial planning that could be worth millions; * Asset protection trusts: A potentially powerful premarital option; * “Quiet” Trusts, with the ability to restrict beneficiary access to trust information; * Lifetime planning considerations; * Documents that require immediate review in light of divorce; * Significance of credit solutions in divorce; * Attacking and defending trust assets in divorce; * Compelling options to potentially change otherwise irrevocable trust terms; * Key considerations regarding the use of life insurance; and * Recent developments regarding stored genetic material. Drawing upon the latest judicial and legislative developments, this presentation will raise awareness of some of the estate planning, tax, and family law issues that need to be considered to better position professionals to advise clients before marriage, during their marriage, and before a divorce is finalized.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify what estate planning is advisable before, during, and after divorce.
- Analyze trust provisions to determine how vulnerable trusts are to attack in divorce.
- Recognize significant recent law changes in the divorce context and how they impact clients.