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Area of Focus Sessions

EST2502. Taking a Practical Approach to the Adequate Disclosure Rules

Are you confused about how to adequately disclose transactions on a gift tax return? Do you find it challenging to determine if the statute of limitations will run? Join our upcoming session where we'll demystify the adequate disclosure rules for federal gift tax purposes. We'll guide you through real-life examples, showing you how to disclose various types of gift and non-gift transfers. Don't miss this opportunity to gain clarity and confidence in handling your gift tax returns!

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe key attributes of the adequate disclosure rules under Treas. Reg. § 301.6501(c)-1 and their importance to the taxpayer and Form 709 preparer.
  • Identify relevant practices to consider in your own gift tax preparation protocol
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Intermediate – (3-4 years in the profession)
Advanced Preparation
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