Area of Focus Sessions
EST2515. Capital Sufficiency Analysis with Estate Planning: Practical issues on 2025 Sunset
Sunset of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Sunset of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signifies a significant turning point. Planning for it in advance is critical. The rewards for thinking ahead are enormous, as are the consequences of failing to.
Moreover, as with many tax provisions sunset is likely to spur Congress to act. By examining the challenges and economic impact of sunset we can better understand what tax reforms might occur in 2025.
The program will cover the following specific points:
• TJCA sunset overview
• The mathematics of Section 199A
• Sunset of the individual bracket structure
• Sunset of the TCJA deduction regime
• Opportunity Zones and forced recognition
• Excess business loss limitation, bonus deprecation, & Section 179
• Estate tax planning for sunset
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the mechanics of Sunset.
- Understanding the general scope of potential reform.
- Understand the planning opportunities and traps for the unwary.
- Blank
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Intermediate – (3-4 years in the profession)