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EXP2208A. Practice of Direct Examinations - Economic Damages

"During this interactive session, faculty members will work with students on direct examination exercises. Each student will “testify” to a part of the case study, followed by critiques given by in-room faculty. The practice session will be video recorded so that the participant can replay their “testimony” in a one-on-one session with another faculty member for an additional critiquing. Students will also gain valuable insight by watching other students practice their role in the case. 

*Break as needed

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine how the direct examination processes works
  • Apply communication skills during real-time practice sessions
  • Apply concepts during interactive attorney-student depositions
  • Analyze their own practice session, via video* replay
  • Interpret real-time critiquing and feedback received from a variety of faculty members
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study