Area of Focus Sessions
FMA2503. Techs, Trends and Disrupters
Generative AI is transforming business and the accounting profession at an astonishing rate, putting many CPA firms on the defensive in trying to separate the hype from the reality and today’s proven solutions. This session will focus on the key techs and trends that firms must build their future upon as well as the disrupters that firms need to watch for that are already coming our way. Roman will discuss the core tech stack that firms must have in place for both the firm and for their clients, backed by the 2025 CPAFMA survey findings. CPA firm departmental optimization, intuitive collaboration, and cybersecurity themes will be highlighted along with technologies that could disrupt you in the very near future.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
Overview – (for individuals at all organizational levels)
Advanced Preparation