FVC2212. Remote Investigation: Inside and Out
Dealing with matters of i) corporate governance, ii) unauthorized transactions, iii) whistleblower claims, and iv) related party transactions. The learning points will include: Remote interviewing Online investigative practices Value-added services Professional practices and ethical standards Dealing with company boards and investors • Changes in risks emanating from the evolving hybrid workplace environment • The importance of whistleblower hotlines in today’s remote workplace environment / corporate governance models • The receipt, review and interpretation of anonymous tips from whistleblower hotlines • Developing and executing effective investigation plans from tips received through whistleblower hotlines, particularly in the shifting ‘paperless’ workplace environment • Protections afforded to whistleblowers and ramifications to organizations for retaliatory actions • Case studies of how whistleblower hotlines have helped organizations mitigate fraud risk while increasing communication and transparency
Learning Objectives:
- Assess issues in the client's circumstances.
- Formulate a plan for addressing i) specific concerns articulated, ii) regulatory risks, and iii) conducing an investigation into potential ethical breaches