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Concurrent Session

FVC2305. Into the Ether and Back Again: Tracing Cryptocurrency in Money Laundering

Denise Harding, Forensic Accountant, and TJ Regan, Cyber Intelligence Specialist, work together to trace funds through FinTech accounts, traditional financial institutions, and cryptocurrency. Using examples from their joint investigations at NCIS, they will provide transactions from PayPal, Zelle, CashApp, traditional checking and credit card statements, and Bitcoin and Ether blockchains to demonstrate the flow of funds from one platform to another. Mr. Regan will discuss requesting transaction information from cryptocurrency exchanges and current cryptocurrency obfuscation techniques, including peel chains, bridges, mixers, chain hopping, and decentralized exchanges. Ms. Harding will discuss the application of money laundering statutes and how different transaction types and patterns are indicative of money laundering.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assess transactions in traditional financial and FinTech institutions to identify potential use of cryptocurrency.
  • Identify and assess information needed to trace funds through cryptocurrency blockchains and to assist in cryptocurrency address attribution.
  • Interpret cryptocurrency tracing charts to evaluate use of cryptocurrency obfuscation techniques.
  • Assess and evaluate indicative patterns of money laundering within cryptocurrency transactions and when exchanging funds between financial platforms.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
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