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Concurrent Session

FVC2307. Which Hat Am I Wearing - The Psychology of Client Management

As experts, we are responsible for complex accounting analyses , but we often find ourselves in a position of managing the human and emotional element of a stressful situation. We are more than just accounting experts, we are educators, process managers, anxiety counselors and objective truth-sayers. This session will discuss how to deal with difficult clients, navigate challenging situations and successfully manage client expectations, all while responding to case needs and meeting deadlines.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify reasonable and appropriate responses in a variety of difficult client situations, and learn how and when to deliver them
  • Analyze a variety of tips and tricks of how to successfully manage client expectations including topics such as communications, billing and payment, and timing of deliverables
  • Distinguish the difference between managing difficult clients and the need to relieve a clients anxieties that are driven by a stressful situation
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
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