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Concurrent Session

FVC2312. Best Practices for Preventing Business Valuation, Forensic, and Litigation Support Claims

This presentation focuses on risk management best practices when conducting forensic accounting, business valuation and litigation support services. The session offers lessons gleaned from CAMICO’s decades-long history defending CPAs from claims and provides important dos and don’ts to protect CPAs and their clients. Participants will learn risk management steps and testifying tips to reduce or avoid professional liability exposure when practicing in these arenas.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify risk management best practices when providing forensic accounting, business valuation, and litigation support services
  • Recall important dos and don’ts to protect CPAs and their clients during forensic, business valuation, and litigation support engagements
  • Recognize risk-based lessons learned from CAMICO claims history
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
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