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Concurrent Session

FVC2354. Primer on Valuing Non-Controlling interest (Minority Interest)

Minority interest, also referred to as non-controlling interests, is the share of equity ownership in a entity is less than 50%. Many valuation engagements in involve the valuation of fractional interest in litigation and non-litigation matters. This session will focus on issues encountered when valuing a Minority interest in a business. Topics covered will be:

  1. Type of Entity being Valued.
  2. Purpose and Use of Valuation Report
  3. Cash Flow Steams -Control vs. Adjusted
  4. Forensic Analysis of Income Statement and Balance Sheet
  5. Normalization Adjustments
  6. Capitalization Rate – Build-Up Method and Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  7. Specific Company Risk analysis
  8. Tax Affect? What do we do These Days
  9. Supporting Valuation Discounts – Discount for Lack of Control (DLOC)
  10. Discount for Lack of Marketability – (DLOM)

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the different types of entity structures and their valuation nuances under the 3 valuation approaches – Asset, Income & Market
  • Recognize the unique concepts encountered when valuing a Minority Interest from Cash-Flow Streams, Normalization Adjustments and Forensic Adjustments.
  • Identify understands the variables used to identify risk in valuation of minority interests.
  • Distinguish the purpose and process used to compute and support Minority Discounts.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
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