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FVC2411. Litigation Talk Series - Decoding the Courtroom: Perspectives on Expert Testimony from Lawyers and Judges

This session will be a discussion with a seasoned trial attorney and financial experts who will share their insights, guidance and expertise about best practices and tactics on the working relationship between lawyers and experts. Learn how attorneys and experts can work together to prepare for any situation, from client engagement, report preparation/delivery, deposition and trial. Discuss what lawyers look for in working with financial experts, and understand what the court's view of the expert role is and how that may differ from the lawyers and client's viewpoint.

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate the attorney’s role and the financial expert’s role.
  • Identify the range of matters on which accountants are asked to provide expert witness testimony.
  • Identify how to prepare for expert witness testimony in depositions and trial, including direct and cross examination.
  • Recognize other issues that expert witnesses should consider when dealing with engagement differences with counsel and client.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation
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