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FVC2436. Valuing a Cash Business (Gasp!)

Valuing a cash business can have many pitfalls such as:

  • A lack of supporting financial documentation
  • The inability to verify revenues and expenses
  • The potential underreporting of income

Challenges can be overcome by identifying cash-based nuances to consider when undertaking the valuation assignment and with additional due diligence. This presentation will provide valuation analysts with various tools to produce a supportable opinion and defend their conclusions of value with confidence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish the businesses that operate primarily with cash.
  • Recognize the risks of valuing a cash-based business.
  • Identify how to quantify potential cash-based normalization adjustments.
  • Identify available source documentation to support valuation conclusions.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags