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FVC2445. Lost Earnings: Quantifying Damages in Wrongful Termination, Personal Injury, and Wrongful Death Matters

When people are injured, wrongfully terminated, or die, they and their families suffer economic damages from lost earnings. Participants in this session will learn how to prepare a credible lost earnings analysis, including the different components of lost earnings, sources of information used to calculate lost earnings, and estimating discount rates. This session will address current cases and calculation trends for individuals of various occupations, including traditional, self-employed, retirees, and others. We will discuss vocational and life care planning expert reports, including discussions on household services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the components of a person's lost earnings.
  • Select statistical information for use in lost earnings analysis.
  • Identify the different components used to calculate a person's lost earnings.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
Advanced Preparation
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