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GOV2338. Donor Advised Funds - 3 IRS Projects

Twenty-five years ago few people knew what a donor advised fund was. Today it is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing strategy for giving outside of outright donations. The giving strategy evokes a wide range of opinions, both for and against. Those advocating for more regulation have sought sweeping change in the name of purported abuse, while supporters of the strategy argue, among other points, that such proposals will chill charitable giving at a time when giving is down. Regardless of your view, some bipartisan proposals are advancing that, if they become law, will require anyone who works with a donor to a donor advised fund program, or who donor who is considering doing so and any nonprofit administering a program to understand how these changes will impact the strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify key legislative proposals that are likely to become law and how those proposals will impact donor advised funds.
  • Determine what donors legislative changes will most impact and those it will not.
  • Analyze likely changes to come and identify strategies most appropriate to address changes.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
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