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LAB-P-2408. Accelerating Tax Workflow: Harnessing the Power of Automation & AI - presented by Thomson Reuters (NAA, TCH)

Automation and AI have the transformative power to reshape the tax landscape, offering innovative opportunities for tax practitioners to revolutionize their business practices. In this session, we delve into how these cutting-edge technologies can streamline every aspect of the tax workflow, from data processing to compliance. Additionally, we'll provide actionable insights into the primary concerns facing tax professionals regarding AI integration and effective strategies to overcome them. During this session, attendees will discover how emerging tax technology can help their firm maximize efficiency, navigate challenges, and build future-ready practices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how automation and AI technology can help accelerate every stage of tax workflow
  • Analyze and gain insight into what today's tax & accounting professionals identify as the top concerns related to AI and tax technology
  • Determine how technology can help address talent shortages, overcome high cost of change and help firms build more bench strength for advisory
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Information Technology
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags