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Education Lab (Onsite and Online)

NOT24EL03. Post Award Restricted Grants Management, presented by KarmaSuite

This session will explore effective strategies, best practices, and software to manage restricted grants, focusing on compliance, reporting, and budget optimization. Attendees will learn how to navigate complex grant requirements, ensuring timely spend of each grant, and monitoring compliance with donor restrictions, and automating allocation of expenses to grants

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply the capabilities of KarmaSuite to streamline current grant management processes, ensuring timely expenditure of grant funds, compliance with donor restrictions, and automated allocation of expenses to grants.
  • Analyze the strategic use of KarmaSuite in projecting a nonprofit’s funding gap/excess, proactively applying for budget modifications, and optimally calculate the budget section as nonprofits apply for new grants.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Computer Software & Applications