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Concurrent Session (Onsite and Online)

OIL2206. Data Analytics - How they are or should be driving the industry

This session will use oil and gas market trends as a current case study in data analytics.  The current market environment has evolved rapidly in recent years thanks to a series of once-in-a-lifetime events including a global pandemic, the war in Ukraine, oil and gas price extreme volatility, a new energy paradigm where the world wants to decarbonize AND provide affordable energy, capital scarcity, rapid inflation and interest rate increases, and ESG mandates from public shareholders.  This session will address these macro trends.

Learning Objectives:

  • How is data being deployed across the industry to tackle these challenges?
  • What does the data imply about future commodity prices?
  • How will the energy transition impact oil and gas in the medium to long-term?
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
1-2 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation