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PFP2311. Real-World Ransomware Incident and the Lessons Learned - Live Demo

Ransomware Attacks have become the biggest single cyber risk for enterprises of any size and industry. Research indicates a steep rise not only in the number of attacks, but as well in the average damage per incident. This session follows the footsteps of a cyber-criminal and uncovering their digital footprint. This is a journey inside the mind of an ethical hacker’s response to a ransomware incident that brought a business to a full stop, and discovering the evidence left behind to uncover their attack path and the techniques used. In this session I will cover a real-world incident response to the CryLock ransomware showing the techniques used by the attackers. Joe Carson, Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO at Delinea, who will take you through the mind of a hacker and follow the footsteps that led to a damaging Crylock ransomware attack. Joe will look at tools and techniques cyber criminals use to hack endpoints, such as the WannaCry vulnerability, RDP Brute Force, Mimikatz, and Responder, and the paths they can take toward your enterprise infrastructure and data.

Learning Objectives:

  • How attackers gained access to the system
  • Lessons Learned from the cyber attacks
  • Best Practices to reduce the risks
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Computer Software & Applications
3-4 years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation
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