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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

PRA2408. Redefining Growth: How CRM Can Support More Strategic Growth In Accounting Firms

In the dynamic landscape of professional services, the traditional notion of "growth" often translates into increased workload, stress, and burnout, creating significant obstacles to a firm's growth strategies. Firm leaders today recognize that true growth is achieved strategically, focusing on the right client base and establishing a formula for long-term success that benefits both clients and professionals. How do we do that and how can technology like CRM help firms on this journey? In this session, we will redefine growth, encouraging professionals to embrace strategic growth and discuss how/where CRM can help support that strategic growth. Participants will hear from one practitioner on their imperfect journey towards more strategic growth.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify what strategic growth means for today’s accounting firms.
  • Identify how CRM can support more strategic growth.
  • Identify useful strategies from one practitioner’s journey towards more strategic growth.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
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