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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

TCH2309. Intro to Data Governance and IT Risk Management

This session will introduce you to the key concepts of IT governance, data governance, and risk management. You will learn about the role of IT governance in managing risks and ensuring compliance with regulations and standards, as well as its relationship to business strategies. You will also gain insights into best practices for developing and documenting data governance policies, procedures, and responsibilities, including data quality, data security, and data privacy. We will discuss how to assess and manage risks associated with IT systems and applications, including cybersecurity risks, operational risks, and compliance risks. By the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of the challenges and common pitfalls in implementing IT governance strategies and data governance best practices. This session is designed for beginners who are interested in learning about IT governance, data governance, and risk management.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the importance of data governance and how it supports effective IT governance
  • Indicate the key components of a data governance framework
  • Recall insights into the benefits of effective data governance
  • Identify the various types of IT risks and how to manage them
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Information Technology
0-2 years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation
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