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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

TCH2409. Creating a Tech Stack — The Art of Digital Transformation

Do you hear talk about having a "tech stack" and wonder if you have one at your firm? Or maybe you don’t even know where to begin? During this session, Amy Vetter will discuss different software providers she has worked with to help you visualize what that could look like in your own practice. Whether you deliver bookkeeping, controllership, or outsourced CFO services, these solution providers will provide live demos so you can identify technology solutions that can help you automate your practice, free up more time to spend with your clients, and solve many of the daily pain points you encounter delivering these services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Select technology that will meet the needs of your CAS practice.
  • Identify technology solutions that your clients in vertical industries can take advantage of for better information and time savings.
  • Select a technology strategy and assess the right technology fit for your practice.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Computer Software & Applications
0-2 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
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