WOM2303. Disconnect to Connect: Becoming a Connected Leader
In this age of technology disruption, everything is changing around us. We sometimes can feel like we don’t know where our anchor is - what will stay the same, what will change, and what we can depend on. We can find that when implementing change in our organization, individual patterns of behavior can show up in ways that prevent the business from making progress and embracing the opportunities ahead. While we are focusing on change management in our organizations and what the future of our work will look like, we should also be spending an equal amount of time creating stronger human connections. With time and dedication, you can learn to become a connected leader who contributes to cultivating an engaging and fulfilling work-life culture for yourself, your team and colleagues. During this talk, Amy will take you on an emotional journey of self reflection. You will discover more compassion for yourself and others, be more mindful as a leader, and improve how you communicate to achieve the desired outcomes together as a team.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify how habits and patterns are created in our lives from the time we are young that affect us into our adulthood and the steps to break the ones that don’t serve us.
- Recognize how the ego develops, influences our work lives, and impacts how well we interact with others.
- Identify ways to change your mindset to overcome negativity and replace it with gratitude.
- Indicate ways to create more compassion for the people you work with by creating communities of support to break down barriers and achieve the best results for the organization.