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WOM2402. Future of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic cutting across every industry imaginable. Whether government, business to business, or consumer-driven, every sector is now considering whether AI applications can ensure continued relevance and provide a competitive edge. Accounting and finance leaders must also weigh AI’s impact on their responsibilities as trusted advisor, independent auditor, etc., in a highly regulated environment. How do industry leaders view the future of AI? Is AI holding to the promise of improved efficiency and accuracy? What are critical lessons learned from the early adopters of AI – both the unexpected pitfalls and unexpected benefits? How might public policy impact the playing field? Feeling late to the game? Learn practical, manageable takeaways for moving from the sidelines.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify a roadmap for the future of AI, including regulatory considerations.
  • Distinguish best practices of AI based on trends among industry leaders.
  • Identify critical considerations in developing and implementing an AI plan.
  • Apply quick tips and critical takeaways for implementing AI in a practice.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Information Technology
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags
Experienced Leader
Emerging Leader
Specialized Knowledge and Application