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WOM2408. Navigating Career and Caregiving

The population of caregivers in the United States is rapidly growing. This hard trend presents predictable problems for both employers and employees. As more and more mid-career and senior professionals assume greater caregiving roles, many will also experience the "sandwich effect" as they are simultaneously sandwiched between caring for children in the home and adults in their lives. This rapidly progressing trend presents a very real threat to the workforce and to the individuals in your organizations. In an already tight talent pipeline, this session will address both the employee's and the employer's perspectives for navigating the intense pressure that lies at the intersection of career and caregiving.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the impacts of changing caregiver demographics for both organizations and individuals
  • Identify actionable next steps to navigate career and caregiving at a personal level
  • Distinguish how organizations can better design the employee experience to ensure the collision of career and caregiver roles are fostering care and support
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personnel/Human Resources
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags
Specialized Knowledge and Application