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Concurrent Session Onsite and Online

WOM2410. Balance Begins with Boundaries

The term "work/life balance" presupposes a division that work is on one end of a teeter-totter from every other facet of our life, instead of being a healthy part of it. This balancing war can create struggle, resentment, fatigue, disengagement, and burnout. As a result, we tend to attempt to compartmentalize work and personal life into boxes that leave us feeling fragmented - we are one way at work and another way at home, and we feel the conflict in having to choose between them. It doesn't have to be this way. In this interactive workshop, you will learn actionable steps to help yourself and your team find peace, balance, and whole-life integration through a practice of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the symptoms of boundary related burnout and disengagement
  • Identify boundaries and learn how to set them (without them feeling prickly)
  • Recognize the connection between identity and self-confidence with boundaries
  • Identify steps to cultivate stronger relationships with your team, manager, clients, vendors, and even self
  • Select empowering tools to do meaningful work
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personal Development
For individuals at all organizational levelsĀ 
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags
Emerging Leader