Kelley Long
Financial wellness coach and consultant
Financial Bliss with Kelley Long
As a noted expert on Health Savings Accounts and their related financial planning strategies, Kelley C. Long, CPA/PFS, CFP® served over 3 years as a founding member of the Plan Sponsor Council of America's HSA Committee, committed to advocating for the enhancement and adoption of HSA-friendly education and legislation. As a sole practitioner, Kelley's financial coaching and consulting practice serves employers with less than 500 employees and women who seek unbiased financial coaching and guidance. She's been published multiple times in the Journal of Accountancy, is an active member of the AICPA Consumer Financial Education Advocacy Council and content producer for the 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy website and is a sought-after writer and speaker. Kelley and her family recently relocated to the Tucson, Arizona area where she continues to practice virtual financial coaching and consulting.