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Robert Schachat

Managing Director

Bob has more than 40 years' experience advising clients in all federal income tax aspects of real estate, including REIT, partnership, limited liability company and S corporation formations, acquisitions, like-kind exchanges, development, leases, financings, workouts, dispositions and liquidations. He has also advised clients on a regular basis in monitoring federal legislative and regulatory activity in the real estate area. Bob joined BDO in 2021 after 23 years in the National Tax Real Estate Group of a big four accounting firm and 12 years as a partner in a Manhattan law firm practicing in the taxation of real estate. Bob has published many articles and lectures frequently at many real estate industry and tax conferences. He is co-author with Jim Lowy of the CCH treatise, Federal Taxation of Real Estate investment Trusts. Bob has served as Chair of the Real Estate Committee of the ABA Section of Taxation, Vice Chair of the Tax Policy Advisory Committee of the Real Estate Roundtable and co-chair of the Cost Recovery Committee and as a member of the Executive Committee of the NYSBA Tax Section, and he continues to serve as a member of the Government Relations and Real Estate Committees of the ABA Section of Taxation. NYU Law School, LL.M. in taxation Columbia University Law School, J.D. Massachusetts institute of Technology, S.B., Phi Beta Kappa