Jacqueline Tiso
JMT Consulting Group Inc.
Jacqueline is a frequent speaker on financial management and Cloud (SaaS) technology and is regularly called upon for her expertise by the media and as a conference speaker. As a visionary, Jacqueline continues to think years ahead - anticipating where technology is going - and what the impact and changing needs of nonprofits will be. Several years ago, JMT migrated most of its internal systems to the Cloud, and after experiencing the benefits of these systems, Jacki has been a leading proponent of Cloud systems for non-profits ever since. Jacqueline has over twenty-five years experience in the nonprofit sector. Prior to founding JMT Consulting Group, she was CFO and Comptroller for a number of nonprofit organizations. From her hands-on experience, she has helped organizations in assessing problems and executing a solution. She has assisted nonprofit organizations with all financial aspects of their business from accounting services and technology to high-level management and board consulting. Through Jacqueline's leadership, her company has received national recognition with the Technology Pacesetter award in Accounting Today, a Var 100 member, as well as being featured on the cover of Accounting Technology and featured articles. LinkedIn [https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fjacki-tiso-6987598&data=02%7C01%7CBarbara.Berman%40aicpa-cima.com%7C2f00bd99fd1c49af0e6408d869689a7c%7Cab44e261e3294327bbdd17a5478226a1%7C1%7C1%7C637375245344864140&sdata=4eyCA4nefzMvN9b6WnWvoZWtPsewMw2f2%2BTO2EEy9Fc%3D&reserved=0]