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Dwayne Bragonier

BAI Bragonier Associates Inc.
Dwayne Bragonier is a shareholder and CEO of BAI Bragonier & Associates Inc., a company dedicated to helping accounting firms streamline their processes and improve efficiency. He is the founding architect of BAIWay ClientDocs, Canada's leading process management product that addresses the unique job floor risks and controls for Canadian professional accounting firms. BAIWay ClientDocs is now used by over 3,000 members across more than 100 locations nationwide. In addition to his work with BAI Bragonier & Associates, Dwayne is a co-founder of BAI Solutions Inc (BSI), an MSP that exclusively serves CPA firms in Canada. BSI enables its member firms to fully leverage Microsoft Azure's IT architecture and is the only MSP in Canada with a sole focus on the CPA firm niche, catering to their unique professional IT needs. Dwayne is internationally recognized for his candid and practical expertise in implementing DMS solutions for CPA firms using CaseWare's Working Papers as a foundation for unpublished documents. He has been a repeat presenter and lecturer at various conferences, including those hosted by CPA Canada, CPA Ontario, AICPA, and Wolters Kluwer. As an award-winning author, Dwayne has contributed a monthly tech column and numerous featured articles to CPA Magazine, sharing his insights and knowledge with a wider audience. Dwayne and his wife, Lana, reside in Mississauga, ON, where they enjoy their time together and remain active within the professional community.