John Fiebig
John is the co-founder of ADIGEO Consulting, LLC and has over 35 years of experience in the auditing and accounting industry. John draws on his extensive experience both as a practitioner and a regulator to provide solutions and insights that help clients improve their systems of quality control and processes in place to ensure that their work is consistently performed at a high level of quality. John is an expert in all aspects of PCAOB inspections and audits, including planning and execution of inspections; root cause analysis; assessment of a firm's system of quality control and remediation of deficiencies; and risk assessment and internal control testing in support of an integrated audit. John has significant direct experience reviewing and analyzing audit work papers and related materials to evaluate work performed by firms of all sizes in accordance with the applicable standards. John uses his experience to assist firms of all sizes in their regulatory compliance, including through all phases of PCAOB inspections. John has been retained as a consulting and testifying expert in numerous civil and regulatory oversight matters, including providing expert support during an SEC Administrative Proceeding concerning auditors' ability to practice. In addition, John has used his understanding and evaluation of audit work papers and related materials to prepare and support clients who were required to provide testimony to regulatory entities in support of their audit work. Prior to creating ADIGEO, John was a Senior Deputy Director and program leader for the Global Network Firm Program at the PCAOB. In his 14 years at the PCAOB, John was responsible for inspections of registered firms of all sizes, including inspections of Big 4 U.S. firms and non-U.S. registered firms. As a senior leader in the PCAOB's inspection division, John was a key liaison with its board members and staff, the PCAOB's Office of the Chief Auditor, and the SEC's Office of Chief Accountant. Prior to joining the PCAOB, John spent 17 years as an auditor, including as an audit partner at EY. As an audit partner, he was responsible for all phases of audits for public and private companies ranging from start-ups to large public companies in the oil and gas, telecommunications, aerospace and defense, and service industries.