Ronald Seigneur
Founding Partner
Seigneur Gustafson LLP
Ron is a Founding Partner of Seigneur Gustafson LLP, based in Lakewood Colorado, where he is responsible for financial forensics, business and intellectual property valuation, practice management consulting and exit & succession planning services. He is co-author of Financial Valuations: Applications and Models, published by John Wiley & Sons, Reasonable Compensation: Applications and Analysis for Management, Valuation and Tax, published by Business Valuation Resources, The Cannabis Industry Accounting and Appraisal Guide, published by LuLu, Financial Expert Guide for Family Law Judges and Attorneys, published by Business Valuation Resources, and a contributing author to the upcoming 6th edition of Shannon Pratt's Valuing a Business. Ron is an adjunct professor at the University of Denver Daniels College of Business where he teaches business appraisal classes. Ron is also chair of the Business Valuation Committee of the American Society of Appraisers. He has a BA from Michigan State University and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He is a fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and a frequent speaker and author on professional practice issues including leadership, expert witness skills, cannabis industry matters, strategic planning, compensation and related topics.