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Image of Donna Hoffman

Donna Hoffman

Women on Course
How did a CPA and former golf widow end up building the fastest growing network of women leveraging golf? It's an inspiring story, one that celebrates the power of the game. Donna's belief that golf extends beyond the scorecard has intrigued and engaged thousands of women in the golf lifestyle. What began as a happy hour conversation has grown throughout the country into a membership-based platform hosting over 800 annual events. The secret to her success? Connection. And not just to the ball. The real magic happens during shared experiences and deeper conversations at the 19th hole. (And if you don't golf yet, that's the clubhouse.) Donna's thought leadership has re-defined the sport to encompass business networking, travel, wine immersion and personal style. By demystifying the game, Donna has removed the intimidation and invited women to become comfortable and confident in a golf setting. Recently named a 'Disrupter' and one of 22 women Spearheading a Revolution in Golf [] by the LPGA, Donna speaks to Fortune 500 companies on the value of golf as a confidence builder - as well as a business development tool - while providing beginners a fun and easy on-ramp to be part of the conversation.