Dan Harris
Dan Harris is the former co-anchor for the weekend edition of Good Morning America on ABC News, as well as a former correspondent for such broadcasts as Nightline and World News Tonight. He is also the author of 10% Happier , a #1 New York Times best- selling book about a fidgety, skeptical news anchor who stumbles upon meditation. This ancient practice– too long associated exclusively with hippies and robed gurus – has been shown by modern science to boost resilience, focus, creativity, emotional intelligence, and overall mental and physical health. With meditation and mindfulness now being embraced by executives, athletes, educators and entertainers, Harris has become a leading voice for pushing for the practice into the mainstream, using plain English and dry humor. He has spoken in front of a variety of audiences — corporations, health and wellness organizations, and schools and universities. Harris’ new book, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics, was released in December 2017 and quickly made its way onto the New York Time’s Bestseller list. Previously, Harris was the anchor of the Sunday edition of World News. He regularly contributed stories on ABC for such shows as 20/20, World News Tonight with David Muir, and the weekday edition of Good Morning America. Harris has reported from all over the world, covering wars in Afghanistan, Israel/ Palestine, and Iraq, and producing investigative reports in Haiti, Cambodia, and the Congo. He has also spent many years covering America’s faith scene, with a focus on evangelicals — who have treated him kindly despite the fact that he is openly agnostic. Harris has been at ABC News for 16 years, receiving Murrow and Emmy awards for his reporting. Prior to joining ABC, he was in local news in Boston and Maine. Harris grew up outside of Boston and currently lives with his wife, Bianca, and their son, Alexander, in New York City.