Robert Tobey
Partner In Charge of Tax Services
Reid Tax and Advisory Services, LLC
Robert L. Tobey, CPA I've been in the tax business for a long-time. I like what I do. I get to work with smart people and nice clients. I've had a lot of interesting experiences I believe I wouldn't have had if I worked in another field. My tax career got started with an introductory tax course at Western Michigan University's Haworth School of Business taught by Dr. Kathleen Sinning. After this classes my career fate was sealed. When I graduated WMU I started practice in Chicago with a predecessor to one the Big Four. After that I've had worked in industry as a tax director, at mid-sized firms, and owned my own firm. Now I lead the tax practice for a top 200 metropolitan New York based firm. My goal is to guide clients through the complexities of federal, state and international tax laws to reach their economic objectives while explaining it to them in plain English. Not always easy to do. My areas of technical expertise are pass-through entities, and tax matters associated with ultra-high and high net worth families and individuals. I work with operating companies, hedge, venture, real estate, and private equity funds, and owners of and investors in these. Today my professional passions are working to decipher tax and business rules with respect to digital assets in and to advise crypto currency and digital asset investors and traders. I like to talk with colleagues. I can be reached at 434.882.2211 or rtobey@reidllp.com