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Image of Jean-Charles Plante

Jean-Charles Plante

RSM Canada

Jean-Charles Plante is a director in the litigation accounting and valuation services group of RSM, providing forensic accounting, investigation and loss quantification services to businesses impacted by expropriations, commercial disputes and commercial insurance claims across numerous industries. He also assists legal counsel in quantifying damages in intellectual property, personal injury, fatality, termination, matrimonial, shareholder, misappropriation of funds and other disputes. Prior to joining the firm, Jean-Charles worked in the forensic, dispute and valuation services teams for over ten years at international accounting and boutique firms. He has also spoken on issues surrounding fraud, commercial disputes, matrimonial disputes, insurance claims and personal injury. He has provided litigation support on matters before federal and provincial courts, government enquiries, tribunals, commissions, mediations and arbitrations. Jean- Charles has quantified several multi-million dollar losses. He has been qualified as an expert witness in forensic accounting and loss quantification in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.