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Image of Carla Amaning

Carla Amaning

Partner, Capital Markets

Carla is a Partner in CFGI’s Capital Market Advisory practice, providing accounting advisory, consulting and interim management services to clients in a variety of industries for over 17 years.

Carla has led the IPO and Reverse Merger processes of over 40 companies, including Special Purpose Acquisition Company Mergers, and has also assisted public companies with the accounting and reporting for business acquisitions and combinations included in their quarterly and annual SEC filings. In addition, Carla has assisted both public and private companies with services that include drafting of SEC registration statements, form S-1s, 10-Ks, 10-Qs, S-4s, super 10-K restatement filings, Form 10 and other SEC filings. Carla has assisted her clients with the accounting for a variety of complex topics and is a subject matter expert in topics such as SEC Reporting and Guidelines, Business combinations, Variable interest entities, Article 11 pro formas, share based compensation including modifications, earnings per share, carve out financial statements, and going concern. While in private industry, Carla served as a Controller. She also led the preparation of a Form S-1 registration statement for an initial public offering, including drafting the financial statements and MD&A.