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John Hansen


John L. Hansen is a Partner at HKA with more than 30 years of experience consulting to companies on economic, accounting and damages matters in a wide variety of industries. Mr. Hansen has analyzed and addressed claims for lost profits, price erosion, reasonable royalties, unjust enrichment, increased costs and diminution of value in a variety of circumstances and industries related to class action, breach of contract, IP infringement and other allegations. Mr. Hansen has testified as an expert on damages and accounting issues in deposition, trial and arbitration in state courts, federal courts and before the United States International Trade Commission. He has significant experience assisting clients in class action litigations, including evaluating risk exposure, identifying potential class members, and assessing class certification and damages. Mr. Hansen graduated with honors from Santa Clara University with a BSc in Commerce (major in Finance and minor in Economics) and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University.