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Image of Greg Lindsay

Greg Lindsay

senior fellow
MIT Future Urban Collectives Lab

Greg Lindsay is a non-resident senior fellow of Arizona State Uni­versity's Threat­cast­ing Lab, MIT's Future Urban Collectives Lab, and the Atlan­­tic Council's Scow­croft Stra­te­gy Ini­tia­tive. Most recently, he was a 2022-2023 urban tech fellow at Cornell Tech's Jacobs Insti­tute, where he explored the impli­­ca­tions of AI and aug­men­­ted rea­lity at urban scale. He speaks widely about the future of cities and technology, and has advised such firms as Intel, Samsung, IKEA, Starbucks, Audi, and Hyundai, along with numerous G20 government entities, including 10 Downing Street, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. Secret Service. Previously, he was urbanist-in-residence at BMW MINI's urban tech accelerator, URBAN­X, as well as director of applied research at NewCities.